Wolf Creek Indian Garden
Indian Garden Update 7: Day 106 (August 21st, 2009)
Just a couple of weeks before our corn harvest was about to begin several raccoons
invaded our garden. We had live traps set around the perimeter of the garden, but the coons were only
interested in our Wichita corn. After the coons had stolen about 50 ears of corn in two
nights we said enough was enough and we installed a three wire electric fence. This put
an immediate end to our coon problem!
Figure 1 Making Skewer Sticks for the Squash Drying Rack |
Figure 2 Griffin, Lisa, and George Peeling Skewer Sticks |
Figure 3 Heads on Young Sunflower Plant |
Figure 4 Mature Wichita Corn Ear |
Figure 5 One of Two Live Traps that did not keep all of the Coons Out of the Garden |
Figure 6 Newly Installed Solar Fence Charger |
Figure 7 Close-up of Hot Wires set at 6”, 12”, and 18” |
Figure 8 Trees near Garden Fence Wrapped with Tin |
Figure 9 A Well Fed Woodhouse’s Toad (Bufo woodhousii) in the Garden |
Website ©2008 Courson Archaeological Research. Unless otherwise
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purposes; please cite or link to source page. This page last updated
October 26, 2009