Courson Archaeological Research Mission We are a non-profit research entity that studies the full range of prehistoric and historic period societies that inhabited the Southern Plains and adjoining regions prior to Euroamerican settlement. With this broad range of interests, which spans early Holocene foragers to Anglo buffalo hunters of the late 1870's, we are interested in understanding the variability and continuity underlying adaptations to the region. Our research is multidisciplinary in scope and involves archaeological fieldwork, laboratory analysis, historic archival work, and experimental studies. Courson Archaeological Research is unique in that we are privately funded and our research staff consists of both professionally trained employees and enthusiastic avocational volunteers. Together we work cooperatively to advance our knowledge of the peoples who lived here before us. 2019 Perryton Stone Age Fair The 2019 Perryton Stone Age Fair provides artifact collectors with an opportunity to showcase their prehistoric and historic Indian artifact collections. Join us for this year’s event on April 27th, 2019. More information can be found here. 2013 Field School CAR will be hosting an archaeological field school outside of Perryton, Texas from May 26th through June 7th, 2013. Excavations will be conducted at two sites: Chill Hill (41RB132) and Eastview (41RB153). More information concerning the 2013 CAR field program. 3rd Annual Perryton Family Archaeology Field Day Join us on October 22nd for the 3rd annual archaeological field day. This event will increase the knowledge and appreciation of the prehistoric and historic cultures that occupied our region prior to settlement through “hands on” activities and games. The event, co-sponsored by the Museum of the Plains, Perryton, Texas, is geared toward families with children ages 6 and up. Family archaeology field day will be held at the Museum of the Plains from noon until 5:00 PM and will begin with a lunch. Shortly thereafter, participants will be split up into individual groups and escorted to one of several different educational stations. The field day is limited to 50 children. Particants may register with us or the Museum of the Plains (806) 435-6400. Panhandle Pioneer Project: Linking past and present generations June 21st to June 24th, 2010 This summer Courson Archaeological Research (CAR) is launching the Panhandle Pioneer Project for local youth ages 8 and up. More information here. Courson Archaeological Research to host the 2010 Flint Hills Conference CAR will be hosting the 32nd annual Flint Hills conference on the 18th through 20th of March, 2010. Click here for more details. Website ©2008 Courson Archaeological Research. Unless otherwise noted, materials from this website may be reproduced for nonprofit educational purposes; please cite or link to source page. This page last updated April 5, 2018 |